Monday, 13 June 2011

Northern Expedition

Our expedition began leaving down South with a very a full car thanks to, Lisa's luggage (we think she was rehearsing her Kilimanjaro packing), Mel's long legs and unexpected hitch hiker Ant (who for some reason thought it would be quicker than the train).

After an hour or so of Ant wondering what he'd got himself into, and the packed lunch of Wine Gums melting in the heat our road trip took an unexpected twist when Mel glanced out the window only to be greeted by the worlds hairest bottom smiling at her from the van next door.

After 4 and a half hours (an hour and a half longer than it should take) we arrived in Wigan to attend a fundraiser kindly organised by Lisa's brother, Keiron (now known as KeironEvents.)

Unfortunatley due to unforeseen traffic circumstances (and the need to look more human and have some of Rose's famous hot pot) we arrived half an hour late for our own event.  After convincing Lisa's dad to drive illegally down a bus lane and "do a u-ey", we snuk very unstealth like to our reserved front row seats.

During the interval KeironEvents presented Mel and Lyndsey with a gift to help get them through the weekend - "Lyndsey and Mel's Dictionary to understand Lisa's Dad" - a wonderful guide to understanding "northern speak"!

The evening was a great success raising £703.00 for Marie Curie Cancer Care.  KeironEvents did us proud.

Post Fundraiser Celebration

After such a successful event it was only right we went out on the town to celebrate.  A good night was had by all.  Thanks again to KeironEvents for providing the "carriage" home for all five of us......"It's ok I've got a Megane".... thank heavens Mel is bendy!

Wigan Street Collection

The following morning, after Eric's Bacon on Toast and with slightly sore heads we graced the streets of Wigan with our tins.  We had a successful morning fundraising and after Lisa treating Lyndsey and Mel to a northern lunch of pies and pasties we left for home.  After collecting our luggage, we were waved off by the entire Smith extended family who had all come round to "have a look".

Thank you to everyone who helped make our Northern Expedition a fundraising success and a lot of fun.

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